Sunday, February 22, 2009

What's the Deal With That Title?

Rama Lama Sing Song, what’s that?

Well, I will tell you. I think that this title embodies the three main aspects of who I am; spirituality, musicality and humor.

It contains the words Rama (a Hindu Avatar) and Lama (a Buddhist teacher of dharma). I have an affinity to both of these religions (as well as parts of many others).

I am a musician and “Rama Lama Sing Song” is a play on words of the common 50s music phrase “rama lama ding dong”. Also, most of the music from the 50s/60s was very upbeat and bubbly…which are some words that many would use to describe me as well. So it seems a good fit

Humor is very important to me. I think laughing is essential to a joy-filled life. And, I have always loved the wittiness of play-on-words humor. Thus…Rama Lama Sing Song is born.

Friday, February 20, 2009

What's Your 20/20?

Love is the only answer, if the question is “how do I find the truth?” We can look through windows and not see ourselves. We can then look into mirrors and still not see ourselves if we don’t look through the eyes of love. Why then, do we insist on keeping those “spectacles of separation” in our desk drawer, neatly tucked away until the ego beckons us to take them out every now and again to glare at the world; the flavor of drama its insatiated addiction. If this is the only way you see the world, try opening the drawer to the left. Perhaps there you’ll find your lenses of Love. Employ them with all the care in the world, then, let the truth shine! Voila! Vision clear.